
What am I looking at?

Many Mondays, I find myself empty-handed—exactly as I did yesterday—browsing through my journals in search of a story I could share today.

Back when I started in July 2019, I committed to post a short story every Tuesday, both in English and Spanish, to my sketches newsletter.

I keep getting surprised by the amount of words I've written and the amount of things I've drawn over the past year.

My hope is that I'll find the time to write more "deeply," preparing posts and sketches in advance and having more time to mull over my own thoughts and ideas.

But hey, here it is.

I have no real reason to keep going other than an agreement with myself, and the intention to keep improving my sketching, writing, and storytelling skills.

Yesterday, I shared last week's sketch on Hacker News.

User sktrdie asked, What am I looking at?

Art, I think. maaark replied.

And I also think that's what all of this is about in the end: an art project.

Last week's text was short (maybe lazy). My intention was generate a feeling of incompleteness. To leave room for interpretation.

In John Maeda's words, Perhaps this is the fundamental distinction between pure art and pure design. […] The best art makes your head spin with questions. 1

  1. Maeda, John. The Laws of Simplicity. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2006. Kindle version. 

May 26, 2020
Nono Martínez Alonso

My sketches and stories, in your inbox.

One email per week. No spam ever.

Pencil sketch of Nono Martínez Alonso.