
From a parallel universe

Events kept popping up on my phone throughout March.

In that parallel universe, I would had a hectic month of March.

Two weeks ago (on March 16, 2020) Daniel Natoli and I would have presented and screened Sisyphus at Antonio Banderas' new theater as part of 2020 Málaga Film Festival.

I would have delivered an Autodesk talk in Helsinki but I didn't fly.

I would have talked at ALGOMAD Madrid but I didn't catch that train.

I would hike Macchu Picchu next week but I won't board that plane.

Yet, I'm lucky enough to be able to continue living a fairly similar lifestyle to how I've been living for the past year: I plug my laptop to a screen and code long hours, then connect with a remote team of developers in the afternoon; I sketch and write and podcast1 in the evening; then rinse and repeat.

  1. Psst! I just released Getting Simple's episode with Scott MitchellExperimentation in the Arena—in which Scott jumps in time to dissect his own experimentation life philosophy, his efforts to remove creative friction, and his worldview. 

March 31, 2020
Nono Martínez Alonso

My sketches and stories, in your inbox.

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Pencil sketch of Nono Martínez Alonso.