We all have different circumstances, and it's hard to generalize what prevents us from being creative and making.
Here are six things to watch out for to keep creative friction away.
Lack of time. We have so much on our plates that we don't get enough time to work with focus. Reserve time slots to ensure you dedicate time to specific activities.
Lack of energy. We tend to be more rational in the morning and more creative in the evening, but you better allocate time to do the things that need to get done in the morning as you may be exhausted by the end of the day.
Lack of clarity. Define what you want to spend your time on in advance. You'll waste less time and gain in efficiency.
Lack of tools and materials. Investing in the right equipment and supplies can make your work easier, faster, and more enjoyable.
Friction to engage in your craft. The less effort you exert to enter creator mode, the more prone you are to engage in your craft.
Distractions. Likely the worst enemy of any creator, distractions take different shapes and can be hard to recognize but are everywhere.
What pushes you away from making?
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