
Summer vacation

Throughout my youth, I've used the words summer and vacation interchangeably. Fool of me that wouldn't always be the case. No more late June to mid-September vacation.

But summer still goes from June 21 till September 23.

It's just that I only1 go on vacation for one out of those three months.

As I approach my summer vacation, I face a challenge: preparing content to keep publications going out while I'm away.

An obvious alternative is to close for vacation in August. But I enjoy the idea of letting the machine work while I'm on vacation and self-imposing a deadline to finish existing drafts.

Here's what I want to ship in August.

  1. Only because it used to be three months. Yet I'm incredibly grateful to have such an extended vacation. 

July 12, 2022
Nono Martínez Alonso

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Pencil sketch of Nono Martínez Alonso.